Possible differences between vehicle tracking systems

Our solutions

Possible differences between vehicle tracking systems at a glanceWhen considering the purchase of one or more vehicle tracking systems, it is always good to first look at the differences. There are so many different providers, each with a diverse range of tracking devices, that it is not always easy to get a clear view of the possibilities. Based on our years of experience, we would like to provide you with some insights on this information page, so that you can make a well-informed choice.

Options between vehicle tracking systems differ

The first important point where there may be differences between vehicle tracking systems is in their capabilities and options. Take a good look at the standard options of each vehicle tracking system. There are usually also expansion options in the field of hardware (such as a connection with an immobilizer or a badge system) and there are also options for additional services (for example, we offer a unique recovery service). It is best to place the different full systems next to each other and neatly list everything underneath. Depending on your needs, certain vehicle tracking systems will be less suitable, which will simplify your choice somewhat.

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Quality differences of the tracking systems

Most vehicle tracking systems almost all use similar technology. However, there may be differences between the devices. There is a good chance that cheaper GPS trackers will use different components than their more expensive brother. Our customers can of course trust that we only use hardware that meets the strictest standards. Apart from the device itself, there may also be a difference in quality of the service provided. How properly are the installations carried out? Can I easily reach someone if I have problems afterwards? What about warranty? Etc. It is important to pay the necessary attention to this during your information round.

Differences in price between tracking devices

Partly as a result of both the quality and the different options, there will of course also be price differences between the different vehicle tracking systems. To make the comparison with cars: a Ferrari simply costs more than a Lada. Have you come across a device that looks identical at first glance for a much lower price? Then, as explained above, first compare the options and the quality. Only if these are the same can you make a thorough comparison.

There are probably many more differences between vehicle tracking systems, but with this information we want to make you aware that it is best not to make a choice hastily. It would be a shame if you opted for a particular device and found out afterwards that it did not quite meet your expectations. Are you still unsure about which vehicle tracking system you want to install or would you like some additional explanation from one of our experts? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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